Kaleidoscape Cafe Design
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This is a design for a cafe or restaurant that has several kaleidoscapes in the ceiling. The one in the central seating area generates a cube in the reflections, and the ones above the corners of the room generate a 24-sided space. Each of these Kaleidoscape pyramids is truncated and above the openings are screens that are playing generative art animations.
In the central seating area, the occupants of the room see an illuminated cube floating at the center of the virtual space with animating generative art playing on each of its faces.
View inside the central pyramid looking up toward the apex
In each of the corner areas, occupants can see a 24-sided polyhedron with the generative art animating on each face. In this model, the truncation is angled so that the shape people see is a rhombic dodecahedron. The truncation can be angled in different ways to create a variety of virtual shapes that appear to be floating at the center of the virtual space.
View where 24-sided apex and cube apex are both visible
There are many ways that a kaleidoscape cafe could be designed. This one is designed so that several kaleidoscapes can fit into a square room. The central kaleidoscape (which generates a cube in the reflections) has a square base that sits inside the square footprint of the room, rotated 45° so that its corners are at the edge centers of the larger room. The corners of the room which are not covered by the cube kaleidoscape each have a kaleidoscape above them that generates a 24-sided virtual space.
View of seating area of Kaleidoscape Cafe